One of the main components in advertisements, are the different uses of color. Absolute Vodka is a company that greatly advertises its product in a very artistic way. There are hundreds of different advertisements for this product. I have see objects arranged around a bottle as well as images where the product itself has been manipulated in some various way. Ways that could possible persuade a consumer to buy the product for reasoning behind the advertisement. For example an advertisement where the bottle is made up on different colorful flowers, this ad would promote the idea of spring and be more generated towards the female audience. In another ad the bottle is placed in really refreshing cold looking snow and ice. The bottle was designed to blend in with the surroundings in the background, I feel that this advertisements would appeal to people who were very thirsty at the time of looking at the ad. In order to produce an effective advertisement, a company must look at its design qualities and projected consumer groups interests in doing so.
This advertisement focuses on the color of the text and bottle to create a memorable effect on consumers. The idea behind these colors is complementary hues. The yellow text complements the purple text on the parallel bottle in the center. The yellow color is then dispersed to the lower level of another bottle and pulled up into a red. Then there are thrown in different areas, shades of blues and oranges. These colors flow nicely with one another because they are split complementary. Advertisements sometimes rely heavily on the use of color.
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