Thursday, April 27, 2006


This image from the game Final Fantasy demonstrates a very visually pleasing composition to look at. I find the details to be what helps to make this piece so engaging for the audience. The way her arm is vertically centered in the composition is appealing to me. Surrounding her arm are various vertically positioned lines making up the stained glass in the background. Helping to bring focus to her arm are the two circles in the glass. The edges of each one meet at her arm. Her hair continues to create this downward vertical movement to the composition. The artist wanted to give the feeling of movement in this piece. But not wanting to loose the attention of the viewers, added the leaves. By having these leaves the image no longer feels like it is leaving the page but still it mantains the feeling of movment. The leaves make a lighter feel to the design, almost of contrast to what is happening in the middleground. The way the figure's arm is represented demonstrates strength and power. I think the leaves give a different feeling. A feeling of soft, lightness, almost a quite peaceful appeal. There is a lot of detail that helps to create this image's appeal.

I feel the this composition's meaning is also effectivly executed through the details shown on the image. The clenched fist and straight arm are good indications of of a literal face value of streghth. The leaves I feel are symbolic to a deeper meaning. A possible swiftness and smothness, a feel that is much less threating than the figure's posture. The use of color in this image is as well an attribute to the compositon. The multi-color in the stain glass softens the overall image.With out the stained glass there the difference between the girl and the leaves would be very rough. So visually the glass adds a feeling of balance making the image not as literal purhaps. The value changes on the leaves also make up part of the compositions appeal. There are many visual attributes to this piece that help to hold my attention.


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